the streets of Mega Tokyo it takes a special kind of heroine to fight the hardwired forces of chaos - dedicated to justice, the vigilante Knight Sabers, Sylia, Priss, Nene and Linna, defend the city against the cyber-conspiracy that threatens to engulf it...
When a squad of hi-tech mercenaries led by the infamous Colonel lando begin systematically hitting banks in Mega Tokyo, the AD Police cannot stand in their way. Sylia brings the Knight Sabers back to active status with one mission - hunt down the Colonel and bring him back to justice. But Lando is stealing more than just money, and somewhere out there, a deadly plan is about to move into action...
Priss is force to confront the hatred of the deadly robotic Voomers when Adama, a new super-prototype, escapes into her custody. While Sylia uncovers more of the widening crisis around the Knight Sabers, the evil Doctor Yuri and his team of cybord killers are on Adama's trail, with Priss as the androids only defender! Can woman and machine put aside their differences to destroy the secret hidden in the heart of Geo City?
The Knight Sabers come face-to-face with and indestructible enemy as they at last unmask the mastermind beind their recent adventures. But the final plan for the annihilation of the city of Mega Tokyo has begon, with an out-of-control difting machine set on collision course with the biggest nuclear reactor in Japan! Sylia and her tema are about to meet theeir match in their most dangerous foe to date... and if they lose, the melt down begins!