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Captain's Log: We may fight, but families are important, and Feb's departure has fractured the family of our crew. Fortunately, Jun has a lead on Feb and on Mayo's family, so if we're lucky, we should be able to celebrate two family reunions.

It will probably be a big fight to get Feb back from the Earthian's headquarters, and she may not even appreciate a rescue. Still, family's worth fighting for, and if we didn't like a little rough, we wouldn't be pirates! --April.


Captain's Log: We crossed paths with the Blue Comets again today, and it looks like we have made long-term enemies of them. Fortunately, they were unable to prevent us from retrieving the Flintlock pistol, but I'm afraid they'll never let us go back to that planet again...

Hopefully, our stowaway, Mayo, won't become as much trouble as Feb, because our next objective sounds pretty dangerous - but the money is good! - April


Captain's Log: Remember, when the tarot cards tell of trouble, next time believe them! A terrorist violated the Sol Bianca today, but fortunately, he played the situation to Jani’s strength and she was able to answer the situation in her favorite way – with guns blazing.

It’s good that Jani’s able to control herself or she’d be a real problem. Speaking of which, Feb is getting more out of control, and the cards are warning about trouble again. I hope it’s those annoying Blue Comets. They’re easier to deal with than Feb’s attitude. --April