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On this world light-years from Earth, if you are Psychic you are also dead. The MU (as these unfortunates are called) are hunted tirelessly by the great computers that control every facet of life. The MU are evil, the people are told, creaures who would destroy everything that their civilization is based on.
For centuries, the MU have been content to exist in an underground society, helping smuggle other MU out from under the Govenment's watchful eyes. From the MU perspective, there had been no thought of an act of open rebellion. That is until now.
The prophesies now revealed show that there will be a profound change in the MU society, that one will lead them to a new life. This new existence will be free from oppression ... and if that means they must leave their own planet to find it, so be it. Perhaps it is time to voyage Toward the Terra!


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