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Gene Starwind dreams of a life as an Outlaw, and fate smiles on him as he seems to suddenly wind up with a great job. But things go awry, and he finds himself the new owner of the fastest, most technologically advanced space ship in the galaxy. Unfortunately, it’s stolen and the owners want it back…

Along with his partner Jim and the lovely Melfina, Gene must fight his way across the galaxy battling pirates, aliens and assassins as he attempts to discover the secrets of the Outlaw star.

Nine episodes in one two-disc set!
1. Outlaw World
2. Star Of Desire
3. Into Burning Space
4. When The Hot Ice Melts
5. Beast Girl, Ready to Pounce
6. Beautiful Assassin
7. Creeping Evil
8. Forced Departure
9. A Journey Of Adventure…Huh?


As the Space Race continues, Gene hasn't given up his obsession with finding the MacDougall Brothers. But confronted with more than one enemy in the race proves to be a challenging test for the young crew and its pilot. Soon, the crew of the Outlaw Star faces a new problem--money's tight again, so everyone starts taking small jobs to make ends meet, and having Harry MacDougall take a special interest in Melfina can be a little unsettling.

Can Gene protect her and at the same time protect himself from the Assassins known as the Anten Seven?

Episodes 10-18 on two discs.
Please Note: Two-Disc Set


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