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How much humiliation can four people and a penguin take? Hard boiled Aicho? Sexy bomb shell Rihoko? Toji the red brief? Shining Fusuke? Cutesy Hooter Hiroyuki? Oh gimme a break! Who do these guy think they are? The Ninku? Unfortunately for the real Aicho, Toji, Rihoko and Fusuke, they do. But little did these imposters know when they stumbled on the sleep little desert town. That there d be a price to pay for being treated like the real Ninku, namely, having to fight the deadly Heaven & Earth brothers!
Fortunately for our phony friends, the real Ninku öasters are waiting in the wings. Then the real action erupts. When the real Aicho, Toji and Fusuke step in, there's nothing but trouble for the Bad guys. Can the Ninku art of magic fighting beat the Heaven & Earth brothers deadly fighting style?


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